Going Green — Shipping Regional

It’s no secret that the world is going green. The heightened awareness of one’s environmental footprint has educated the masses and influenced individuals as well as businesses to think about the environment before taking an action. Being more environmentally aware doesn’t have to be a daunting task, in fact, it can be quite simple.

There are tons of opportunities to shrink one’s footprint in almost every aspect of life. For example, making small changes such as eating healthier, walking more, recycling, starting a garden and using energy saving appliances are all easy and thoughtful ways to care for the earth at home.

There are also many ways to go green at work, especially when it comes to shipping. Shipping parcels to and fro is the one constant in both business and personal life, however, some traditional shipping may not always be the most eco-friendly. Nevertheless, there are ways to ship greener whether seeking, same day shipping or messenger services, check out our tip below.

Going Green – Shipping Regional:

  • Ship Several Items Together: One of the best ways to ship greener is to ship several items together at the same time. We educate and encourage our clients to bundle ship if necessary, not only is it more sustainable, doing so is also more organized.
  • Use Eco-friendly Packaging: Eco-friendly packaging refers to post-consumer boxes and containers as well as materials that can naturally biodegrade without harming the environment.
  • Ensure that the carrier uses alternative fuel: Alternative fuel emits less C02s into the atmosphere which makes it a more eco-friendly option over traditional fuel.
  • Choose ground over air: Air shipping requires more use of fuel than ground shipping, so always choose ground over air.

Shipping will always be a part of our life’s, however, we certainly do not have to degrade the environment to get our messages and parcels delivered. As the world continues to darken its shade of green, more sustainable shipping options will present themselves, and we will be first to adopt them.